Once you notice that you have any sidewalk trip hazards on your property, you should begin to look for a reputable residential walkway repair service. Sidewalk trip hazard repair is an important service that helps to address the dangers of sidewalk trip hazards in an efficient and cost-effective manner.
Many people and property owners are unaware that they can actually be held legally responsible in the event someone injures themselves by tripping on a trip hazard. On top of that, sidewalk trip hazards cause major problems and pose a very real threat to any individual that has mobility issues.
Be sure to read on to learn more about the importance of residential walkway repair services. If you are interested in getting a quote for sidewalk trip hazard repair in South Florida, reach out and contact Florida Sidewalk Solutions for assistance.
When Residential Walkway Repair Is Essential
Trip hazards can begin to form due to a number of different factors. Some of these factors include rainwater causing to ground underneath the foundation to flood, resulting in sidewalk cracks. Other reasons might include foliage and tree roots or damage caused by people.
When a sidewalk begins to rise or sink due to foundational problems, the concrete can begin to become uneven. Uneven sidewalks panels can then crack more easily or remain uneven, presenting a hazard.
The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 defines a trip hazard as any vertical change of over 1/4 inch or more at any joint or crack. This means that even relatively small sidewalk imperfections are still considered a public hazard.
If you have a sidewalk trip hazard on your walkway, it’s time to consider residential walkway repair. Sidewalk repairs will not only make your property safer for all who are on it but it will also help to prevent more costly lawsuits in the event someone becomes hurt on your property in the future.
Florida Sidewalk Solutions
Florida Sidewalk Solutions is proud to be regarded as the top sidewalk repair company in South Florida. We provide expert sidewalk trip hazard repair services to help clients remove the hazard and keep their sidewalk.
Our method of trip hazard removal is with advanced, patented concrete cutting technology. Concrete cutting allows us to completely get rid of the trip hazard from every angle and leave you will a nice looking, safe, and completely even sidewalk surface.
Contact Florida Sidewalk Solutions today by calling 954-514-7218 to get a free estimate.