Addressing walkway issues with sidewalk trip hazard repair in Fort Myers is extremely important. A single trip hazard could cause serious injuries and is a danger to everyone. Broken, cracked, and irregular sidewalks can easily and affordably be repaired with the help of a professional sidewalk repair company.
A sidewalk trip hazard can appear in any kind of property including residential and commercial areas. Some of these areas include: condominium common areas, shopping centers, apartment complexes, gas station, and many more. The following article will highlight why trip hazards must be repaired quickly and by a professional sidewalk repair company.
If you have any other questions or would like to schedule sidewalk trip hazard repair in Fort Myers, please contact Florida Sidewalk Solutions.
Why Trip Hazard Repair Is Important
Any owner or property management group of a commercial or business is responsible for the reasonable care of people who visit their property. They must also ensure that the property is reasonably safe. This means that businesses and commercial properties must address any fall or tripping hazards that may develop. The first step is identifying trouble areas and then have a professional do a sidewalk repair.
What may seem like a minor irregularity could cause a visitor serious injuries. This is especially true when it comes to senior citizens, young children, or those with disabilities. Trip hazards are made additionally more dangerous because they are not always seen. They can also exist because on inadequate lighting.
Addressing Commercial Walkway
Trip hazards have been recognized for decades as a very real threat to public safety. Their presence is prohibited by a large number of state, federal, and local regulations. Some of these include the Florida Building Code, Life Safety Code, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
The regulations all prohibit any change in the elevation of a walking surface like sidewalks of as little as 1/4th”. Dangerous changes of elevation can also include crushed or broken sidewalk, an unmarked drop-off lacking a high enough standard curb, a depression, tree root growth beneath the sidewalk slab.
Choosing The Best Sidewalk Trip Hazard Repair Service
If you are a property management group or a business owner, you should only work with a sidewalk repair company that has the right experience and access to the latest cutting edge techniques like concrete cutting. South Florida residents can rely on Florida Sidewalk Solutions to properly address trip hazards and keep sidewalks looking great.
Contact us today to learn how we can use concrete cutting to efficiently repair sidewalk problems while ensuring ADA compliance. Speak with one of our experienced sidewalk repair contractors about scheduling a free assessment at your property.