
Benefits of Sidewalk Repair

Benefits of Sidewalk Repair

Florida Sidewalk Solutions provides repair services for concrete walkways and today we wanted to explain the many Benefits of Sidewalk Repair. We are the hazard specialists, prepared to get rid of any trip hazards and uneven surfaces from your sidewalk or walkway. A lot of other trip hazard removal businesses give poor results due to conventional grinding methods, but we have a much more efficient option with our patented cutting technology. Our unique machines use a saw instead of a grinder for repairing a sidewalk, making our cuts more precise and get rid of trip hazards much more effectively.

We can help you save a lot of money by using our patented methods as well as help you avoid liability by eliminating all trip hazards as quickly as possible. In fact, here are some of the benefits of using our service:

  • Cost-Effective
  • Clean and Fast
  • Attractive Finish
  • Easy to Audit
  • Environmentally Responsible
  • ADA Compliant
  • Patented Engineering
  • GIS Compatible Survey Data

If you have a trip hazard, don’t hesitate to call us right away. Our cutting method will make sure there is an ADA compliant slope that is perfectly flush with the adjacent panel, whereas as other methods could leave scarring or leave surfaces rough and pitted. Concrete grinders are more costly than our method, but they are also unable to reach the very edges of the sidewalk which means the trip hazard usually remains. Our cutting method can effectively reach the edges of the sidewalk from any angle at any location. If a trip hazard is caused by cracked concrete located in hard-to-reach places such as gutters or adjacent to a wall, we can still eliminate it without any damage to nearby impediments. Our method in repairing a sidewalk also takes very little time with few inconveniences to people using the walkway. This results in a safe clean-cut walking path that will inevitably cost you less money than any other method.

By taking very precise measurements, we can ensure that the start and end of the cut we make will an ADA compliant slope of 1:12 on sidewalk panels and handicap accessible areas. Our Trip Hazard specialists will ensure zero differential between sidewalk panels as well as collect and recycle to maintain a green solution to your sidewalk repair service.

Florida Sidewalk Solutions spent the last 15 years in Florida repairing a sidewalk for our communities, homeowners’ associations, schools, and universities and saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars in trip and fall lawsuits. Let us help your neighborhood or business remove trip hazard liabilities quickly and without disturbing the surrounding area. Contact us by calling …


Related Post: ADA Compliance, What Is It?
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