Sidewalk Replacement Alternative
Trip Hazards

Reasons To Fix An Uneven Concrete Walkway

Do you need to fix an uneven concrete walkway on your property? The majority of sidewalks and walkways are made up of concrete. While concrete is widely used thanks to its durable properties, it can also become damaged due to various factors. 

Uneven walkways and broken sidewalks are more than a simple nuisance. They create public hazards that are known as sidewalk trip hazards. Sidewalk trip hazard repair makes it possible to fix an uneven concrete walkway in a quick and cost-effective way.

It’s common for property owners and property management groups to neglect trip hazard repairs in an attempt to save money. However, even small problems like a single trip hazard can wind up costing them more if left unattended due to their liability. 

Below, we will explore why broken sidewalks and walkway trip hazards need to be fixed quickly. It will also detail how concrete cutting can help make this happen in a fast and affordable manner.

If you have any questions or wish to speak with trip hazard specialists about your property’s needs, please contact Florida Sidewalk Solutions for help. 

Reasons To Fix An Uneven Concrete Walkway

The main reason to invest in sidewalk installation is to make it easier for people using the property. There are also certain codes and ordinances in place that require sidewalk installations 

Concrete is easily the most commonly used material when it comes to walkway and sidewalk installations. While highly durable, concrete is still susceptible to damage due to environmental factors and use. 

Over time, small cracks can start to form on a walkway or sidewalk. These cracks can cause sidewalk trip hazards if they exceed ¼”, according to the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990. 

Those who are using the sidewalk then become more vulnerable to potentially sustaining an injury. Perhaps the most vulnerable are the elderly, disabled, have limited mobility, and young children. 

When a person sustains an injury due to a trip hazard on your property, you will be liable for the damages. Neglecting to fix an uneven concrete walkway could wind up costing you thousands and create legal problems.

Repair Sidewalk Trip Hazards With Concrete Cutting 

The most effective, least disruptive, and affordable way to fix an uneven concrete walkway is through modern concrete cutting technology. Concrete cutting uses industrial-grade precision cutting equipment to remove trip hazards, leaving an even surface. 

Other sidewalk repair methods, such as concrete grinding and sidewalk replacement, can be highly disruptive, costly, and sometimes can’t even guarantee success. Concrete cutting methods require access to the proper equipment as well as expert knowledge. 

Hiring an experienced and reputable sidewalk repair company to perform concrete cutting on your property is the best way to ensure success. To learn more, please contact Florida Sidewalk Solutions for assistance.

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Fix Uneven Concrete Walkway

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