Avoid Sidewalk Replacement
ADA Complaince

Compliance with the ADA by FSS

Compliance with the ADA by FSS

Owning and/or operating publicly accessible property means you have a responsibility to meet compliance with the ADA on all your sidewalk and walkways. Slip and falls due to improper management of concrete pathways at a given location constitute millions of cases of slip and fall injuries each year. This can result in lawsuits which in turn lead to large Payouts for these incidents. This is of course to cover physical, financial, and emotional loss, and these totals can range anywhere from 15 thousand to 45 thousand dollars on average.

The ADA was formed in the 90’s with the purpose of creating standards that decrease the likelihood of injury for pedestrians. While these laws protect all pedestrians they were created specifically with those who have locomotive impairments in mind, hence the name “Americans with Disabilities Act”. Maintaining pedestrian pathways that meet these standards means keeping compliance with the ADA

When you’re sidewalk or walkway, is damaged in such a way that there is a significant gap between the height of one portion of the sidewalk or another, this creates what the ADA refers to as a ‘ Trip Hazard’. A trip hazard is dangerous and can result in serious personal injury. It is the responsibility of the owners and property managers to inspect the location for such hazards. Below, you’ll find a list of important c

  • Width:
    In order to properly accommodate mobility equipment such as wheelchairs, a sidewalk has to be a minimum width of 3 feet – or 36 inches. It can be larger, and in fact, if it is less than 5 feet – or 60 inches- wide it will require additional passing spaces at least every 200 feet to allow pedestrians to safely move around each other.
    Sidewalk width requirements are especially important for wheelchair-bound individuals. For ADA compliance, the minimum sidewalk width is 36 inches (3 feet), though sidewalks can be wider.
  • Texture:
    Sidewalk texture needs to be pro-friction and slip-resistant. There can be no cracks or uneven areas, which leads us to the next item.
  •  No Trip Hazards 
    A sidewalk or walkway cannot have a sudden height differential of 1/4″ or more. Over time, the land underneath the sidewalks becomes uneven as well as other factors like damages, erosion, weather, etc. If this height difference exists, it has to be taken care of with a repair before an issue occurs resulting in injury and liability on part of the property owner.
  • Slope:
    A sidewalk Cannot Have a slope ratio of greater than 1:20 at any point or it is considered a ramp- which has its own set of rules.

Florida Sidewalk Solutions Provides a less expensive alternative to replacement, called sidewalk leveling. We simply cut, shave, and smoothing any uneven portion so that they fall into Sidewalk Compliance from the ADA. Call today for more info! 954-514-7218.

Our Number: (954) 514-7218
Related Media: Trip Hazards- A Danger To All
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