Trip Hazard Repair
Trip Hazards

Trip Hazards and the ADA Rules

Trip Hazards and the ADA Rules

Trip Hazards can be devastating to both pedestrians and property owners causing injury and financial damages as well. The ADA, or the Americans with Disabilities Act, is a set of regulations put forth and set into law in 1990. The rules are designed to make traversal safe for all peoples, but particularly those with locomotive disabilities or impairments. Various circumstances within the concrete sidewalks and walkways installed at public locations can arise which bring them out of ADA regulation or compliance.

Some of these rules for example are rules that establish the baseline parameters of sidewalks, walkways, and entry points. This can point out information such as where ramps are needed, how high hose ramps can be, how much additional passing space needs to be installed, and how often, where railings and banisters should go, and more. There are also rules on how to maintain these walkways when damages occur that bring them out of ADA Compliance. The most common types of issues that occur with sidewalks and walkways are Trip Hazards. Read on to learn more about how Florida Sidewalk solutions provide the most efficient, and cost-effective method of removing these hazards from your walkways.

Trip hazards can occur for many causes, most of which are not going to be at fault of the property owner. Even still, it is the property owners responsibility to maintain compliance, and resolve issues as they come about.  A trip hazard is defined by the ADA as any sudden height difference of 1/4 inches or more. Generally, this happens as weather, erosion, friction, accidents occur, and even small changes in the land beneath the concrete panels that compose the sidewalk shift and change. Traditionally the way this is handled is by removal of the damaged sidewalk panel, and a complete replacement with a newer undamaged panel. However, this method is costly and time-consuming. Florida Sidewalk Solutions offers a new, high-tech method that is far more cost-effective.

Rather than totally removing the panel, Florida Sidewalk Solutions can actually repair it to bring it back in line with the ADA standard. To do this, we perform a 3 phase process in which phase 1 involves measuring the current damages to assess what needs to be done. The next phase is the cutting and smoothing of the concrete. This will ensure a zero height differential between the affected panels. Lastly is clean up and removal of debris for the purpose of recycling. After the process is complete, you can rest assured you will be within compliance, and not pose a risk to disabled pedestrians.

Contact Florida Sidewalk Solutions today if you have a trip hazard on your property that needs removal.
Our Number: (954) 514-7218
Learn more about Trip Hazard Compliance with the ADA
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