For property owners and property management companies, concrete sidewalk crack repair is an important part of keeping a property safe and looking great. There are numerous properties including gated communities, commercial properties, and retail locations that all have sidewalks meant to make traveling easier and safer for pedestrians.
Due to traffic and the elements, concrete sidewalks can develop dangerous trip hazards that can make traveling on them difficult and dangerous. Although a trip hazard may seem like a nuisance, it can actually cause injury and leave a property vulnerable to lawsuits and liabilities.
There are many reasons why sidewalk trip hazard repair should never be neglected. Continue reading to learn more about the dangers of trip hazards and why concrete sidewalk crack repair is essential.
The article will also highlight how sidewalk trip hazards are repaired. If you would like to schedule a sidewalk trip hazard repair with a professional sidewalk repair company in Florida, contact Florida Sidewalk Solutions.
Why Concrete Sidewalk Crack Repair Should Not Be Ignored
Cracks, unlevel, and broken sidewalks are not only an eyesore but can pose very serious risks. Sidewalk trip hazards are serious enough that they are mentioned in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
The ADA specifically designates any incline greater than a quarter-inch as a public safety hazard. The act designates this public safety hazard as a trip hazard. Not only are trip hazards dangerous, but they are also dangerous liabilities.
All property owners and management companies are liable to damages if someone is harmed because of the trip hazard. The cost of paying a settlement to an injured party could reach tens of thousands of dollars.
The liabilities are far more expensive than a professional concrete sidewalk crack repair service. Beyond the liabilities, concrete sidewalk cracks and trip hazards make it extremely difficult for anyone using the sidewalk. This is especially true for the elderly, disabled, and small children.
South Florida Sidewalk Trip Hazard Repair
When it comes to sidewalk trip hazard repair in South Florida, property owners and property management companies have come to rely on the expertise of Florida Sidewalk Solutions. In fact, we are the premier provider of both commercial and residential sidewalk repair in South Florida.
We have achieved this by using state-of-the-art, patented concrete cutting technology that can enrich the safety and appearance of a property. The method of concrete cutting is vastly different from sidewalk replacement or concrete grinding.
Concrete cutting is affordable, highly effective, and will guarantee that your property is ADA compliant. Concrete grinding, by contrast, is limited in its effectiveness and will leave an unsightly appearance. Additionally, replacing a sidewalk completely is extremely expensive and disruptive.
Affordability, guaranteed ADA compliance, and minimal disruption are all reasons why Florida Sidewalk Solutions is the best choice for concrete sidewalk crack repair in South Florida. Before a liability becomes an injury or lawsuit, contact Florida Sidewalk Solutions at 954-514-7218 to schedule a sidewalk trip hazard repair service today.