The next time you’re considering the best way to approach fixing concrete walkway hazards, know all your options. Why pay a sidewalk repair company to remove trip hazards if they can’t guarantee to remove them completely?
Replacing concrete sidewalks is both costly and time-consuming. That’s in addition to being completely disruptive. Complete sidewalk replacement is simply not a cost-effective or convenient option.
For this reason, most property managers now opt to use alternative methods for fixing concrete walkway hazards. These options, however, require renting power tools or hiring help. Unless you have experience using grinders or scabblers, contracting with a sidewalk repair company is most likely going to be the best option.
Removing Trip Hazards
When it comes to finding the right sidewalk repair company, you should look at how they approach fixing trip hazards. Grinding concrete doesn’t guarantee the trip hazard will be removed completely. There is, however, a newer method that does.
Cutting concrete is now the preferred method used by trip hazard removal specialists. New advancements in concrete cutting technology allow technicians to level every corner of the surface, guaranteeing the complete removal of any problematic trip hazards.
In addition to being more effective, cutting concrete sidewalks is eco-friendly, fast, and surprisingly affordable. In fact, Title III of the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) provides tax incentives specifically given for covering the cost of sidewalk repairs.
There are other grant funds given by local municipalities for removing trip hazards, as well. Be sure to contact your local municipality about any Community Redevelopment Authorities (CRA) options available. You should also discuss these options more in-depth with the sidewalk repair company you choose.
About Florida Sidewalk Solutions
Florida Sidewalk Solutions is a sidewalk repair company in Davie, FL. Our team of trip hazard specialists proudly serves the greater South Florida region. It is our mission to make fixing concrete walkway hazards as easy and convenient as possible.
For removing trip hazards, our technicians utilize equipment with the latest in advancements in concrete cutting technology. This method ensures the trip hazard is completely removed, which generally can be done the same day we begin.
Our long list of satisfied clients speaks for itself, including various municipalities, HOA communities, and property management groups. We 100% guarantee the results and are happy to provide a free estimate for fixing concrete walkway cracks.
Please contact us or call 954-514-7218 to speak with a representative about scheduling your project. A member of our team will gladly answer any questions or concerns you might have regarding your project.