Concrete Sidewalk Repair Near Me
Concrete Sidewalk Repair Near Me

Walkway Replacement or repair? by FSS

Walkway Replacement or repair? by FSS

Concrete structures like sidewalks are prone to regular wear and damages. When this happens you might be looking for a walkway replacement. This is understandable, as a property owner you’re likely thinking about constantly maintaining the integrity of your location. Those outside of ‘the know’, aren’t aware however that this isn’t due to some need for cosmetic perfection, but rather for several more practical reasons. In 1990 the ADA was introduced, the Americans with disabilities act. This act put forth a set of regulations now made into law that protects the rights of pedestrians utilizing public walking areas. While these laws were created primarily to protect those with locomotive disabilities or impairments, they apply to all and are good because they truly protect everyone. As a property owner, these laws even protect you as long as you maintain compliance. As a property owner, you’re also in charge of making sure these things are locked down.

For instance, the owner of a Plaza that has within it several stores- is likely responsible for maintaining the integrity of the walkways in and around the plaza- not necessarily any ADA compliance issues within the individual stores inside the plaza. Now with a location like this type of plaza, over time pedestrian traffic coupled with weather and unexpected events will eventually cause damages. Maybe not the whole plaza, but eventually portions of them will likely fall out of ADA compliance.

For example, one ADA compliance rule which is often broken is the height difference between one sidewalk panel and another. The difference in height cannot be greater than 1/4 an inch, which sounds small but can be a big problem! This height differential is known as a “trip hazard” according to the ADA rules. Trip Hazards have to be dealt with relatively quickly or somebody could get seriously hurt. Any injuries or complications that result from a trip hazard would be the responsibility of the property owner. Therefore, if your walkways have trip hazards, it’s time to look into an affordable sidewalk repair solution.

When your sidewalk cracks, or becomes uneven thus resulting in an out-of-compliance state, it’s time to call Florida Sidewalk Solutions. While you may be thinking of getting a sidewalk or walkway replacement, we can offer you something far better. Repair it!

It used to be that you needed to completely remove sidewalk tiles when trip hazards became an issue, investing in expensive replacements. Florida Sidewalk Solutions aims to save you time, and money by offering a better option. We can completely repair the trip hazard, using an advanced cutting method that smoothes out the gap between the sidewalk tiles, creating a smooth transition that falls into ADA compliance. This costs far less than a total replacement and prevents costly pay-outs on ADA compliance issues. If your sidewalk or walkway is in need fo repair, don’t wait until its too late and somebody gets hurt- call Florida Sidewalk Solutions today!

Our Number: (954) 514-7218
Related Media: Trip Hazards- A Danger To All
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